Dear Macken,
Thank you for your thinkings.
You are so correct.
I stopped being a vegetarian, a long time ago.
I am a vegan, because your thinkings, are correct.
Byproducts of animals, are the product of mistreatment of animals e.g. caged battery hens that produce the majority of eggs, consumed in this World.
The killing and miss treatment of living creatures, is such an excessively negative action.
Consequently, negative vibrations, radiate through this World, and, through humanity, when living creatures are mistreated or slaughtered.
And spare a thought for the human, whose job it is to turn up for work each day, and, slaughter animals.
Animals slaughtered so humanity can feast on the carcasses.
For humanity to survive, for this World to survive, we should be more caring, loving, concerned, citizens, treating our living creatures, our environment, with love, care, and respect.
Unfortunately, sadly, humanity is behaving in such a negative way, towards our environment, our living creatures.
Macken, please keep sharing your thinkings.
They are of great value to humanity, and it’s survival🙏🏿