Dear Karolin,
Thank you for sharing these wise thoughts.
Thich Nhat Hanh thinkings are a gift to humanity.
I follow the teachings and life existence of The Buddha.
I am vegan. No alcohol. No illicit substances etc. I live the life of a monk.
I meditate each day, sometimes through to the next day.
I leave my body and go to wonderments, when I meditate. I sometimes get taken to former life events, long forgotten, that show me the causes of a problem, a negative thought, a health issue.
Finally, my consciousness calibrates to infinity.
I now cure myself of any illness.
I understand better myself, those around me, and life.
I have never been happier. I find love in everything, and everyone.
You only harm yourself and humanity, if you engage in negative thoughts and behaviour.
Each of our action radiate and vibrate through the world. If they are negative, they only produce negative vibration.
For example, being a vegan I am not consuming the results of the most negative behaviour possible, the slaughter of animals.
Karolin, thank you again for sharing this gift🙏🏿