Dear Jyothsna,
Thank you.
Thank you, for taking the time to share your thinking’s.
My country has over many years, since it was created as an independent country from England, in 1901, had a disgraceful attitude to immigration.
The treatment of the so called boat peoples, is sad, is unforgivable, is a graphic example of racism in my country.
In addition, Australia has had a disgraceful, an unforgivable, attitude towards the indigenous peoples of Australia.
Slowly, this is changing. But it has a long way to go with both immigrants, asylum seekers, and the original owners of the continent, now known as Australian.
I am embarrassed by the still significant number of Australians, who are ignorant, who are racist, who have no love for those who are not white.
My Irish catholic family was forced by the action of the English, to flee to Australia, where they were again the subject to wide spread discrimination from the English protestant authorities.
The way to move forward, is to pressure, to change governments, that do not reflect the communities, they represent.
We should all share our thoughts on such issues of injustice, of oppression, of racism, of intolerance.
Jyothsna, keep sharing your thinkings🙏🏿