Dear Farida,
Thank you, for your reply.
You are, kind!
You are, generous!
I am so happy that you have permitted me, to meet the mother, of my hero activist, your son, Umair!
We really are, all connected, all one, all one humanity!
Reading, and commenting, on your sons erudite thinking’s, and the thinkings of those who comment on Umair, has given me much inspiration.
Umair, has caused me to speak out about about what we all know, is not right!
I often think and write of Umair’s thinking…..’America, is the first rich, poor country, in the World’..
Umair, is a caring, concerned, loving member, of this humanity, in this World.
His thinkings, tell everyone this!
His contributions to raising the consciousness of those around him, you, me, humanity, is invaluable.
We are all galloping towards, a catastrophe.
A catastrophe, for humanity.
A catastrophe, for this World.
A catastrophe, that is climate change.
A catastrophe, that will destroy humanity.
A catastrophe, that will destroy existence.
But, Farida, you know all this!
Because, Umair, and his thinkings, help you know.
They help the world, to know.
You are so fortunate, to have a famous son like Umair!

Ok, if you have time, Farida Haque, could you please pass on starry eyed admirations, from this Irish leprechaun.